Our Spring 2024 newsletter covers a range of updates and insights:
- Progress over time: Highlights ongoing developments within our organization.
- A message from NIH: Read about former SAB Member W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, Phd and her transition to the NIH
- 2023 Forums Recap: Summarizes key discussions and outcomes from last year's forums.
- Grants Update: Provides information on recent grants.
- New SAB Members: Introduces new members of the Scientific Advisory Board.
- 2023 Fall Scholar Retreat: Recaps activities and outcomes from the last scholar retreat.
- Meet the Scholars: Profiles individual scholars and their contributions.
- Benefactors & Sponsors: Recognizes and thanks supporters of our programs.
- Upcoming Events: Previews events and activities planned for the near future, encouraging engagement."
We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we did creating it!