Shoe us the Love!

Help us raise funds just by donating gently worn, used and new shoes!  Be sure to ask friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to donate too!  Collected shoes not only help support the Forbeck Foundation, but they will be reused and given a second life by those in need.

The Forbeck Foundation has partnered with Funds2Orgs and is conducting a shoe drive fundraiser from August 11, 2023 - October 9, 2023, to raise funds to supplement the upcoming Blue Jean Ball. The Forbeck Foundation will earn funds based on the total weight of the pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes collected. These shoes will be given a second chance and make a difference in people’s lives around the world. Anyone can help by donating gently worn, used and new shoes at the dropbox locations listed below.

Funds2Orgs works with micro-entrepreneurs in helping them create, maintain and grow small businesses in developing countries where economic opportunity and jobs are limited.


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